2024 Reading List

A collection of blogs and articles I found thought provoking this year.

My 2024 Reading List

This blog post simply contains a collection of my favorite blogs/ articles/ papers that I read this year.

Favorite Blogs:

Tristan Hume's Blog
Gwern Essays
Snats Blog
Dan Luu
Slate Star Codex
matklad - Alex Kladov
Julia Evans
Eaton Phil - List of Technical Blogs
Russ Cox
Distributed Systems Reading List



Tracing Methods - Tristan Hume
Rigorous Database Benchmarking - Dmitry Dolgov

Project Write-ups:

Classifying Every PDF on the internet - Snats Blog
Ray Tracing in One Weekend
Scaling One Million Checkboxes to 650,000,000 checks
bytecode interpreters for tiny computers - Dercuano
Incremental approach to compiler construction


Advanced C
C++ Design Patterns Low Latency Including High Frequency Trading
Karl Seguin - Zig Tutorial
Visualizing memory layout of Rust's data types
Why Not Rust?

Systems Programming:

Heap Memory Allocators in Zig
Malloc Memory Allocator
Arena Allocator Tips and Tricks
Handles vs. Pointers
Achieving High CPU Efficiency for Latency-sensitive Datacenter Workloads
The Lost Art of Structure Packing
what every programmer should know about memory
Concurrency Primer

Misc Software:

Reflections on trusting trust - Ken Thompson
Reverse Engineering for Noobs
High Frequency Trading is Good
On becoming competitive when joining a new company
Replacing my Right Hand with AI
Category Theory for Programmers
Marijn Haverbeke's Blog


Why Does Ozempic Cure All Diseases?
The Only Reason to Explore Space
Tree Sitter Parser Generators